неделя, 8 юни 2014 г.


God's Word is our basic spiritual food. It is more important even than the physical food we eat, it is a necessary condition for us to live because "not on bread alone does man live, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Nothing can replace this food.

But because of technology and unlimited access to any information often the busy people prefer to hear more sermons than to dwell in Scripture. But sermons are revised (digested) Word, often refracted through the prism of beliefs, doctrines and theology of the preacher.

Of course, there are many examples of God's true preachers who do not impose their own beliefs, do not make the listeners dependent on them, and shed light on God's Word, wake our interest to the Word and encourage our personal relationship with God, persuade us to look for God as for a hidden treasure, what He is for them.
These are the preachers that God has crushed many times during their lives, led them through many trials, breaking them and moulded them anew, according to His will. They are humble, steadfast in their faith, confident in their own powerlessness, totally dependent on God, trusting in Him in their ways relying on Him as a source of strength, anointing means of life and ministry.
They do not praise or exalt themselves. They do not flaunt their ministry nor advertise books and CDs, do not invite us to support them financially, do not manipulate for filthy lucre, convincing, how God will return a hundredfold if  we "sow" in them. They are not ashamed of their reputation and recognize their past mistakes in order to protect others after them. They are not afraid to admit powerlessness, because it manifests God's Power …

They do not doubt God's love for them, because He was showing  it to them both in blessing and in punishment. They do not use the grace of God in vain, but labor harder than everyone but not themselves, but the grace of God in them. They are filled with godly sorrow, they have God's heart, God's eyes. They see the danger and shout to alert and people consider them insane. They weep for the captives and perishing deceived by the enemy  God's children, and people consider them weak and powerless. They are shouting and weeping preachers ...
They preach not just with words, but with power. Truth in their messages can expose us, can hurt, but if we are not with  burnt conscience, it will bring repentance to salvation to us.

They have fruits and heritage, by which they can be recognized. With everything in their life and teachings, they suggest, show, praise, glorify Jesus and give all the glory to Him.
But most importantly - they know God personally and this  immediately becomes clear to the born of by the Spirit listeners.

Such preachers it is not only safe to listen to, but it is useful and building, sobering awakening, eye-opening. Of course, this does not justify us to neglect our own communion with the Word and with God.

As dedicated one mightily used by God man is, he is still a man and is not insured against mistakes and stumble. Right attitudes would be for us not to raise these preachers in a cult, but to accept correction and learning from them and strengthen our relationship with God, because that is their goal, this is their example - to be imitators of Jesus Christ. And this is eternal life - to know Jesus Christ and the Father who sent Him.

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