събота, 19 октомври 2013 г.


" Thus says the Lord :
" Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm , and whose heart turns away from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good comes , but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness , in a salt land and not inhabited country. " " Jeremiah 17:5-6

Have you seen the fascinated, filled with awe looks  of the audience to the man on the stage. When I come across such a video with a similar picture it becomes to me absolutely clear that this is an act of witchcraft and idolatry .

It is possible that once the preacher has begun in the Spirit, but because of the temptation of  "pride of life" (1 John 2:16 ) the ministry  went down in the flesh. The elation of human approval and admiration enslaves the preacher and he is trying to please more the people compromising with God's message, replacing it with one that attracts more worshipers (to him) and to caress their ears.

And since the power of the Holy Spirit is gone, he has no choice but to resort to force of his own arm, the flesh, and hence of divination. Meetings acquire view of theater productions and shows. With the glory as attachments trailers are coming alao the other two temptationsfrom 1 John 2:16 - the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. Once experienced the delight, the deceitful human heart longs for more and more of them.

Very often the very surrounding people of this preacher are so fascinated by his gifts that begin to rise him highe, even than God. (Remember the sad story of William Branham . )

Audience becomes so dependable from the preacher, that gradually stops to maintain their own relationship with God and the Word of God, expecting as little birds to get chewed and processed food from the "mother". But the food is already mixed with magical poison and the result is an enchanted congregation...

Unfortunately, this is the picture of most Christian assemblies, and particularly in mega- churches and in the largest TV ministries. People in the audience never grow up, never fly to God but remain chained to chairs and hypnotized by someone who overshadows the Glory of God .

What is the responsibility of the preacher - NOT TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. To submit to the Holy Spirit for selecting and building a team, to teach people to trust God in all,  not to interfere when the Holy Spirit creates an environment and atmosphere for the action performing supernatural growth at Christians and the Church. To spend sufficient time in listening to the voice of God in the impregnation of his nature with the Word of God.

And if he realizes that it happened - people are depending on him - to fall on his face in repentance and to beg for mercy and wisdom of God what to do. May be he will be required to leave the stage . (Ouch!! I am realizing that it borders on fantasy and perhaps it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than such a preacher to come down from the stage, but impossible with man is possible with God!)

The problem is that such a preachers are fooling themselves that are doing God's will and are helping people, or think they will get away with the wrath of God. But ...

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jeremiah 17:9-10

A good precaution is -- no single control. Autocratic control, sooner or later becomes a cult, or as we call it in Bulgaria - a sect . In fact, in many cases, it looks like that only from outside - usually behind the "leader" stands a Jesеbel  who pulls the strings. "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety..." Proverbs 11:14

Another precaution would be every anointed servant of God to surround himself with people who are faithful to God and not to him; better to have objective critics than flatterers around him, true friends, who would tell him the truth with love ( Well, maybe it will hurt a little sometimes ) than hypocrites.

It is pathetic how servile  "employees" are dedicating their lives to a MAN and then wonder where they came curse from...

What is the responsibility of the audience - if it can wake up, to fall on it's face in repentance and beg for mercy and wisdom to get out of the curse.

To spend sufficient time in listening to the voice of God and in impregnation of their nature with the Word of God. To be sensitive to God's choice of friends - people hungry and thirsty for God.

Dear brother, dear sister who are reading this, I am challenging you to look at the preacher and the audience of the most beloved by you ministry and see if the man from the stage is drawing the attention to Jesus or to himself. And the people -- are they excited by Jesus or are excited by the preacher.

Man, however great he is, remains only a man, earth, grass, breath ...  As said, by a late boss of mine "What if it is So- and-so, he is also a man and he goes in the toilet."  Spurgeon spoke of how man fights the Lord with the very gifts given to him and uses them to  entrap and  ensnare others. I myself have had periods of astonishment from people I praised them, I defended them, I have recommended them. But at some point, I witnessed the fault of this person, then another and another and SOMEONE opened my eyes and I started to feel ashamed of my actions. It turns out that the so special person, however, is not that special ...

How many lessons should give us God to take this test - damned is the one, who relies on a human?

And here is where the blessing,  safety and fruitfulness is:

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

I am convinced that we live in a time when the true Church of God, the true Bride, the true Body of Christ is assembled and connected by the Holy Spirit. Expect shaking and rearranging and regrouping . Sometimes, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11 divisions are necessary "to appear, which are approved among you ." Time of individual Superheroes passed, even in Hollywood.

We are all heroes, called to glorify God.

God bless you!

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