вторник, 27 август 2013 г.



When we read the Word of God from a pure thirst for Him, God finds a way to speak to us, to reveal, to encourage, to rebuke and respond! Then the Word of God formed in our minds, is transforming our minds according to God's wisdom.

When we read the Word of God under the pressure of circumstances and cares we tend to be rushing through the Word, looking for specific answers or looking at it through the prism of our problems. It's not bad as long as we pay enough other time, allowing our minds to quiet down and listen quietly, what God speaks through His Word.

When we read the Word, in the light of the irregularities noticed by us, wrong understanding or sin in a brother / sister, we tend to make the mistake of the parable of the mote and the beam - see only the passages that condemn that person, or sin, we are ready to attack with these verses, instead we
first look for our beams.

But the biggest danger is prejudice. When we have a rigid understanding of our philosophy, or preconceived idea, reading the Word, we may fall into sin -- to seek and find individual, separated from the context verses that support our beliefs and prejudices. Thus were formed many heresies. Theologians call this Isogesis, unlike Exogesis, where our beliefs are formed from the very Word.

Aerobatics in the perception of the WORD is to grasp, as far as God gives us power, the Spirit of the written Word - to begin to know the ways, manner, regulations, desires, cravings, attributes, the NATURE OF GOD. It's possible for this to start happening when we are so soaked with the Word, it springs out as a natural speech from our mouth flowing out of a dedicated, permanent thirsty and hungry for God heart.

That is what is said in Psalm 119, that is the knowledge of God, to which we are called ...

Lord, we pray for the grace to know you, by Your Word.

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