понеделник, 26 август 2013 г.


Recently I watched a sermon of Creflo Dollar "The Power of Love". I decided to give him a chance, even though I know what they're talking, the prosperity preachers of the movement "Word of Faith". I was hoping at least to mention 1 Corinthians 13, but alas.

Just as I heard the first sentence: Confess every day who do YOU want Jesus to be for YOU...
So this is a call to make an idol called Jesus, but in our image, in our desire. 

The center of the entire message is how I'm Special, how much God loves ME! How many times Crehlo Dollar makes the audience to repeat: "I have to believe ..."That is the message in short: Practical advice for achieving the belief that God loves you, is to say the magic spell: "Jesus loves me" and not agreeing with negative facts. You do not even have to pray to God, do not have to do anything else, saysCreflo, you only need to repeat [as a spell] that God loves you! And if by chance you come to the conviction that you did not read the word recently, that you didn't tell  the good news, that you're not praying, it is none other but the Devil, he says! Do not listen to his exposing only repeat: God loves me! 

The whole philosophy is YOUR FAITH will take you out, saying POSITIVE CONFESSION, there is strength. [What happened to the belief that the power is in Jesus? - I am asking.] 

If I had not been involved with worldly philosophies method "Da Silva", which lataer appeared as the so-called "The Secret", Hare Krishna,  and Eastern philosophies before I believed in Jesus, I would be enticed and tempted to believe that this is Biblical teaching. But actuallythis are occult practices known from antiquity, now collected in artificial pantheistic religion New Age pushing it's way into our meetings. These false teachers deceive the elect, keep them in a web of deceit that they and their Happiness and prosperity are the center of God's will. Lull them with mantras as in Hare Krishna, causing them to repeat "I mustbelieeeeve ", "God loves meee", "Everything is allright", "I must do nooothing" "Everything negative that comes to me isfrom the deeeevil , ", " God will protect me even without praying, because He loves MEEE"," God will punish my unfaithful spouse"," No need to woryyy that he/she is cheating, I only need to repeat that God loves MEEE"... 

Forgive me, brothers and sisters, but you are stuck in an occult setting, not in a Christian meeting. This spirit that inspires you and "pumps" you emotionally, is NOT the Holy Spirit! These are teachers, messengers of Satan that abus the needs and misery of the people, promising them a way out, but not in Jesus Christ, but in ... spells ... 

Do you know why these practices succeed temporarily - because they use magic, the occult and the power of evil spirits. They are usually the most successful in the lives of the leaders of these teachings. Have you ever thought why? 

But if you don't reach the break, then the charge is on you - you could not believe ...

 Before I would not dare to give advice to anyone, but since God gave me a prophetic dream on June 26, I can not be silent - please, I beg you, do not believe every preacher. God declared war on witchcraft in the Church in late 70s because a lot of people that are necessary for a battles in this last war are entangled in the web of these false teachers.

Appeal: Please read your Bible and abide in the presence of the Lord. Seek His face, pray for grace to repent - you will get not only the answer to your problems, but immeasurably more - the Spirit of adoption, whereby we can say "Abba, Father", you will understand from experience what God's will for you.Yes, God loves us even loves us too much to leave us to delude ourselves that we are the center of His will. He does everything for his own glory! 


We do not realize what  mercy
He shows toward us, his rebellious brigands creation that not only does not understand the monstrous crime by despising takeing lightly the EXCRUSIATING the Father's heart SACRIFICE OF HIS beloved Son on the cross, but also has the audacity to think that God is obligated to protect him, keep and bless us.We do not realize what a great privilege bestowed upon us God - to be his co-workers, a royal priesthood, His inheritance. 

If we were aware, we would happylly look forward to fing our cross and to carry it every day.  We would happy to accept the trials in our lives, knowing that they bring us strength and imperishable prize, the hope of glory. 

If we realized we would go to look for that sanctification, without which no man shall see the Lord.  ... 

Grace and peace to be upon you from our Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ, bless you in the hope that not only you to know God, but also GOD knows YOU!


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